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StickyFolios Overview
6 articles
Why are single-page sites better than multi-page sites for photography portfolios?
Can I check out some sample StickyFolios?
Do you host my email?
What about SEO?
How do I set up or use StickyEmail?
Can I add additional sections to a Folio?
Account Questions
7 articles
Where do I update my credit card details?
How do I reset my password?
How do I upgrade/downgrade my account?
What is your refund policy and how do I get a refund?
Can I cancel my StickyFolios or StickyAlbums membership? What happens?
How do I find out what plan I have?
What happens if I don't renew my StickyAlbums membership?
Building StickyFolios and StickyAlbums
29 articles
What is the Dashboard?
How should I size my images?
How many images should I have on my site?
How do I organize my Folios or Albums?
How do I add the copyright symbol to my Folios?
How do I embed Vimeo Video?
How do I prevent users from sharing a Folio?
How do I embed a Loom video in a StickyFolio?
View all articles in “Building StickyFolios and StickyAlbums”
19 articles
How do I edit a Button?
How do I test my buttons?
How do I add the Simple Form for StickyEmail to a button?
What is the General Link Option on a button?
How do I link to an online resource such as a proofing gallery or an online form using a Button?
How can a Button link to a Booking Page?
How can clients email me directly from a Button?
How can clients call me directly from a Button?
View all articles in “Buttons”
Sharing StickyFolios
10 articles
Can my clients save their StickyFolios to their mobile devices?
Where do I find the URL for my StickyFolios website?
How do I share StickyFolios?
Can I share a StickyFolio from a mobile device?
Can I share one image from my StickyAlbums or StickyFolios gallery?
What are Statistics?
How can I see if my StickyFolios and StickyAlbums are being viewed and shared?
What is the best way to share a StickyFolio?
View all articles in “Sharing StickyFolios”
12 articles
How can I prevent embedded video in StickyFolios from opening the YouTube app?
How do I edit the header image in my Folio?
Why do my images change colors in a Folio?
Why am I not able to edit the header image in my Folio?
Why do I not see my Video when after I add the embed code?
Why do my images appear to be oversaturated or undersaturated in the builder?
Why does the copyright at the bottom of a shared single image not show my information?
Facebook does not the display the correct image or text when I share a Folio URL how do I fix this?
View all articles in “Troubleshooting”
Settings Panel
15 articles
What is the Settings Section?
What does the Show/Hide Elements Section do?
What are Homescreen Details?
What are Design Options?
How do I change Folio Typefaces (fonts)?
What types of video can I use with the welcome Video
What is the Welcome Video?
What are font options?
View all articles in “Settings Panel”
Custom Domains
20 articles
How do I set up a Custom Domain?
What is an A Record?
What type of A record should I create?
How do I create a subdomain A Record?
How do I edit an A Record to use my main domain?
How do I add a subdomain A record with my specific DNS provider?
How do I add a Custom Domain to my StickyFolios account?
How do I add a Custom Domain a specific StickyAlbum/StickyFolio?
View all articles in “Custom Domains”
Marketing and Business Tips
10 articles
Webinar- Holiday Mini-Sessions with Sarah Petty
Webinar - How Sal uses Folios to market on Facebook
Webinar - How Sal is Using StickyFolios to book More weddings.
Do you have any mock-up templates I can use to show off Folios on my website and in my brochures?
How do I create a separate portfolio for each of my photography niches?
How do I create Wedding Websites for my clients (and why should I)?
How do I use StickyFolios with Facebook Ads and other online ad platforms?
How do I create an online business card (and why should I)?
View all articles in “Marketing and Business Tips”
Marketing and Using StickyAlbums in Your Business
8 articles
Can I share a StickyAbum from a mobile device?
How do I increase sharing?
How do I increase referrals?
How do I increase sales averages with StickyAlbums/Client Folios?
What is the best way to get clients to open their StickyAlbums?
When should I give my clients their StickyAlbum?
What is the recommended way to share StickyAlbum with clients through email?
Should I charge for for StickyAlbums? How much?
3 articles
How should I share and and market a Booking Page?
How do I connect Calendly to Stripe?
How do I booking page for one day of sessions with Calendly?
5 articles
How do I copy the Wedding Website form?
How do I edit Google Forms?
Template for Sharing StickyAlbums by email
Do you have any suggested Sharing Message ideas?
Photoshop templates