Directions for some of the most common DNS providers on how to add an A Record subdomain

Note: some host instructions show IP addresses as examples. DO NOT USE those IP addresses.

If you are unsure about how to update your domain, contact your DNS provider and ask them how to add an A record subdomain. 

Note: If PhotoBiz is your website host, call or send in a ticket to let their support team know what the address needs to be (for example, and where it needs to be pointed ( )

Hover Instructions:

Go Daddy Instructions:

Bluehost Instructions:

Note, you can't change the records if they are not your DNS host.

1:1 Instructions: there are two steps with this provider

a. Set up subdomain 

b. Point subdomain to StickyFolios site


PhotoBiz Websites:

If PhotoBiz is your DNS host, call or send in a ticket to let their support team know what the address needs to be (for example, and where it needs to be pointed ( )

HostGator Instructions:

If HostGator is your DNS host, send in a ticket to let their support team to ask them to set up your sub-domain A recrod.  You will need to let them know what the address needs to be (for example, and where it needs to be pointed ( )

Square Space--only if you registered your domain name through Square Space:

Square Space Instructions