Many photographers wonder whether they should charge for their StickyAlbums/StickyFolios or offer them only as part of a package or as a thank-you gift. What works for one photographer may not work for the next, and you should look at your business model and decide what might work best for you.

If your goal is primarily to increase referrals and generate new business, then perhaps you should give your StickyAlbums as a thank you gift after your clients place their orders. They will be so excited that you have exceeded their expectations and have given them a really cool product, that they will likely want to share your name and refer their friends to you.

If your goal is primarily to increase your sales averages, then you should either include StickyAlbums in a top-level package, or offer a la carte only when a certain sales minimum is met. Or you could offer several different sizes of StickyAlbums - one with 5 images, one with 10 images, and one with 20 images for example, and price them or add them to different level packages accordingly.

Determining how much (if at all) to charge for StickyAlbums will be unique to each business. We have found a huge difference in prices that photographers charge for StickyAlbums, ranging from $0 - $1000.

Some factors to consider when determining your pricing structure for StickyAlbums:

  • What is your pricing for prints and albums?

  • Do you also sell digital files, and if so, how much do you charge?

  • What is your session fee? Will it include a StickyAlbums?

  • What is your goal for using  StickyAlbums? More business? Higher sales?

  • Do you include promotions in your StickyAlbums?

  • Do you include ads in your StickyAlbums?

There is not one “right” price - StickyAlbums are successfully distributed at many different price points.  Only you can decide what price is right.

Here are a few hypothetical examples of how different photographers might price StickyAlbums in their businesses.

1. Wedding photographer wanting to increase sales:

Photographer A has a thriving wedding photography business, and is consistently booked out for at least the next 12 months. His goal is to increase package sales, and is using StickyAlbums to help. He has included 30-image StickyAlbum/Client Folio in his top-level package and that is the only way clients are able to get StickyAlbums. He has been able to increase the number of top-level packages he sells by 50% using StickyAlbums.

2. Brand new portrait photographer wanting to increase of bookings:

Photographer B has just opened her business and needs to get the word out. She has photographed several of her friends’ babies, and gives them each StickyAlbums free of charge. She shows them how to install their app on their phone, and includes a coupon in each of the apps with a referral bonus for both the referring client and the new client. She is able to get the word out about her new business through her friends and family and sees an increase of 2-3 new bookings each week.

3. Established portrait photographer wanting to increase referrals AND sales:

Photographer C has an established business, but she wants to keep new customers rolling in. She includes StickyAlbums on her à la carte price list, alongside prints, albums, and digital files, and does in-person sales meetings. In order to have the option to purchase StickyAlbums, a minimum purchase of $700 must be made. Once a client has met that minimum, the clients may purchase StickyAlbums for $100. The StickyAlbums contain only the images the clients have purchased, so clients are encouraged to order more prints in order to have more images included in their StickyAlbums. She also includes a referral coupon in her StickyAlbums, encouraging clients to refer their friends and family. She has increased her sales by an average of $200 per session, and is seeing 1 new referred client each week.

Need more personalized help?

If you would like to schedule a free consultation with one of our marketing specialists to talk about pricing your StickyAlbums, please contact our team at and request a 1:1 consultation.

We look forward to hearing from you!