The sky is the limit when it comes to using and sharing Booking Pages to market your business.  You can use any number of tools to create Booking Pages.  Calendly is one option that is easy to use and has a number of different plans ranging from free to $12/month.

Booking Pages can be shared the same way you would share your website or social media links. Here is a list of ideas to get you started:

Ideas for Sharing/Using StickyFolios:

  • Include the link in your StickyFolios or website.
  • Text your Booking Page to interested customers.
  • Include a link to your Booking Page in your email footer or signature.
  • Post a link to your Booking Page on social media when advertising a mini session or other special session offers.

If you have a creative idea on sharing/using your Booking pages, please share it with our team ( We would love to know how you are using your Booking Pages.