The Statistics feature gives data about those who have viewed your StickyFolios.  

The data collected depends upon the information that is sent to StickyFolios by your viewer's ISP (Interent Service Provider). Some providers don't send anything but the name of the country where your StickyFolios have been viewed. Others send more precise location information.

You can see sharing data under Statistics. 

To find the Statistics

Go to your Folios Dashboard.
Click Edit next to the Folio you are interested in seeing the data.
Select the Statiscs Tab from the drop down menu. view of your Dashboard. 


This brings up the Statistics Panel.  There are three types of data. (Note some data only shows the past 30 days).

1. Total Views and Operating Systems: Total Views tabulate all views across time. If the provider is not able to determine the operating system of the viewer's device, it is reported as Other. 

2. Views Within the Past 30 Days: This data shows Unique Views and Views by day that have occurred within the past 30 days.

3. Views Within the Past 30 Days by Location: This data map reflects the past 30 days of Views and indicates the location of your StickyFolios viewers. You will see a list of countries where your Folio has been viewed. To see more detail about the countries in which your StickyFolios have been viewed, zoom in by clicking the name of the country with the blue link next to the data map. 

4. Additional Details within the specific country. Note, not all ISPs show detailed data from within the country when reporting locations.